Dental Cleaning & Surgery for Pets in Frederick, MD

You know you need to get your pet’s general health checked each year, but what about their teeth? Like humans, your pets need routine dental care to check for signs of disease and decay that can impact their health.

If your pet’s dental health goes unchecked, bad teeth can lead to infections and other diseases that have major implications for your pet’s well-being. Regular exams and cleaning can keep your pet’s teeth in good condition and catch any problems early enough for easy treatment.

Dental Cleaning & Exams for Pets

At minimum, all pets should receive a dental exam and many a cleaning once per year. This is especially true for pets who do not regularly eat hard food, as their teeth are more likely to suffer from tarter build-up.

For senior pets or pets with chronic conditions, you may need to consider more frequent dental exams and cleanings.

During your pet’s routine physical exam, our vets will:

  • Check their teeth and mouths for signs of decay and disease
  • Look for any broken or damaged teeth
  • Check their gums for signs of inflammation and disease
  • Discuss home dental care to maintain oral health
  • Recommend appropriate procedures for cleaning and treatment.

According to the American Veterinary Dental College (, for safe and effective dental cleaning and treatment, anesthesia is necessary.

Schedule your pet’s dental cleaning today!

Dental Surgery For Pets

In some cases, your pet’s teeth require surgical intervention for extraction or periodontal care to avoid a further issue.

Some cases where your pet may need dental surgery include:

dental care for pets in Frederick, MD
  • Advanced periodontal disease
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Exposed nerve that becomes infected

If this happens, our team of skilled veterinary surgeons will walk you through the entire process, from preparing your pet for surgery through after care procedures.

As with any time your pet needs to stay at our facility, you will receive updates on their condition and are always welcome to call and check in on your pet during our regular business hours.

How You Can Help Your Pet

Besides taking your pet in for regular dental cleanings, there are some things you can do at home to promote your pet’s good oral health.

One of the best things you can do is to regularly brush your pet’s teeth. Daily brushing of your dog or cat’s teeth can prevent build-up of tartar and plaque, which lead to periodontal disease.

Many pets are hesitant about dental care at first, and they need to get used to the idea. Here’s some advice on how to proceed:

  • Purchase pet-specific toothpaste and a regular or finger toothbrush
  • First, allow your pet to lick some of the toothpaste off the brush to get used to the taste of the toothpaste and the feel of the brush
  • The first few times, just brush your pet’s front teeth
  • As your pet gets more comfortable, brush more of their teeth until you are brushing all of them
  • Follow all brushing practice with a treat to encourage your pet to associate it with positive reinforcement

Your veterinarian can help instruct you on where to find the right tools to brush your pet’s teeth. They will also provide advice on making the process easier for everyone, during your regular annual wellness check or dental cleaning appointment.

Call today for an appointment!

Read about 4 more care tips to keep your pet’s mouth healthy over on our blog!